Maestro in Paypal

Maestro kartice se NE da uporabiti za Paypal račun. Vedno manj držav ima možnost uporabe Maestro kartice, saj jo Paypal postopno odstranjuje iz svojega sistema.

Verjetno se za nas na bolje ne bo obrnilo in bomo omejeni z možnostmi ki jih ponuja Paypal sedaj.

Mnogi smo Paypal-u pošiljali maile in na koncu so se nas le 'usmilili', tako da je paypal račun za nas vsaj približno uporaben.

mail iz leta 2007, ko smo že imeli euro:

Dear xxxxxxxxxx,

Thank you for contacting PayPal, my name is  Stephan  and I am happy to
assist you today.

I can see from the information you have provided that you are contacting us in regards to receiving money via PayPal in Slovenia.

Mr. xxxxx, this unfortunately is not due to the EU status. it
is all to do with the co-operation of banks in Slovenia and contracts we don't have yet.

Members in some countries and regions may not use PayPal to receive
payments, but only send payments. Visit and
click the "PayPal Worldwide" link in the upper right corner of the page. The countries listed under "Send Money to Anyone in the Growing PayPal
Network" cannot receive payments only send payments.

Members in Luxembourg with a Personal or Premier account cannot use
PayPal to receive money, but may send payments. Members in Luxembourg
with a Business account can use PayPal to both send and receive money.

PayPal is constantly working to expand and improve its services for its
customers. We hope to expand our features for these countries, but due
to the complexities of global finance, we cannot give a timetable for
this expansion.
Please let me know if you need further assistance.

PayPal, an eBay Company

Copyright (c) 1999-2007 PayPal. All rights reserved.  PayPal (Europe)
Ltd. is authorized and regulated by the Financial Services Authority in
the United Kingdom as an electronic money institution.  PayPal FSA
Register Number: 226056

nekaj gospod razlaga o nesodelovanju bank in o Luksemburgu!?

Pa še en kasnejši mail:

 We are pleased to announce the following changes to your PayPal account:

In a few months from now, PayPal users in Italy and users in the Card Withdrawal Regions (listed below) will be able to withdraw funds from their PayPal accounts through credit, debit and/or pre-paid cards that show the Visa or MasterCard logo.

If, until now, you have only been able to send funds with your PayPal account, these changes mean that soon you will also be able to receive and withdraw funds through PayPal using credit, debit and/or pre-paid cards with the Visa or MasterCard logos. The User Agreement will be amended for users in the Card Withdrawal Regions and it will also contain provisions for those who may already have these features.

The Card Withdrawal Regions include: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Estonia, Gibraltar, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia and Slovenia.



obljubljajo da bodo možna izplačila iz Paypal računa na MasterCard, pa temu ni tako.

Kljub temu da ni vse tako kot bi moralo biti, je Paypal račun kar uporabna zadeva za plačevanje na internetu.


Moneybookers MasterCard kartica

Če bi kdo želel imeti MasterCard debetno kartico, lahto to stori preko moneybookers računa. Letna članarina za kartico je  €10 in provizija za dvig na bančnem avtomatu €1.8; vse ostalo pa je brez provizije. Moneybookers je podobna 'internetna banka' kot Paypal. Pologi na Moneybooker so preko internetnega bančništva (klik, abanet,...) brez provizije, lahko pa denar nakažete tudi na bančnem okencu ali s kreditno kartico. Ta MasterCard je seveda uporabna za plačevanju v trgovinah in za paypal račun.